In digital marketing, there are various tools, and people get confused about them. Here is some suggestion of the top tools every digital marketer should use:
Search Console:
You would like to articulate to the search engine, and you’ll get the interface from the search console. Are there any crawl errors? Are there any index errors? Is your site map updating automatically? What are the search terms people are searching for organically, and what is the click-through rate for organic search terms? You learn to aggregate the data (and more!) In the search console tool.
Keyword Planner:
You want to find out how users are searching in search engines and what traffic it is driving, how much the competition is, and how much the bid should be for each keyword. You understand that data on the Keyword Planner Tool. You can use this to identify the keywords you want to optimize for your site. Another related device is Soovle. It gives you keywords that people are searching for on various platforms.
Now, if you want to do optimization for YouTube, they may have more keywords in long phrases, such as “how.” You understand the nature of the questions that people are creating on Google or Amazon or YouTube, and so on.
Google Trend:
Google Trends shows trends based on what people are looking for organically, among millions of searches on the web. This can actually throw light on whether the trend is upward or downward. You can also do competitive benchmarking. Is the contestant more interested in the target audience? Are more searches happening for contestants, or is there a difference in interest according to their regions?
Social Mention:
You require to obtain if there is any discussion about your brand, and you want to discuss it in real-time – in the last 24 hours. The social mention will indicate how much the reach is, emotional- positive or negative. There may be many people talking about your brand, but many have negative feelings.
Then the brand aims to convert negative emotion into a positive emotion. Which are the keyword a lot of people can follow you but then what is their social impact. You have to identify who are bloggers, who are thought leaders, who are influential in your field. You can identify them using Followerwonk, and you can follow them, and you can tweet them directly and create a synergy so that they can follow you back. Which hashtags are people associating with your company or your brand? Use social mentions to find out.
Fan Page Deeds:
Do you want a thorough ground analysis across all social media platforms? Then fan page is the tool to know how good you are. This will give you an analysis of Facebook and LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc. You want to find out that people are connecting with you and your brand. What is the engagement rate? This tool will tell you about all these delicious insights.
You can see how many views are in your video, how many shares are there, how many re-tweets, and your posting frequency. What is your response rate? You can also compare all these things with the competition.
It is mainly used for Twitter. Do you want to do competitive benchmarking? How many followers do your competitors have? What is the Re-Tweet Rate? How much social impact? You get all these from dualism.
A lot of people can follow you but then what is their social impact. You have to identify who are bloggers, who are thought leaders, who are influential in your field. You can identify them using Followerwonk, and you can follow them, and you can tweet them directly and create a synergy so that they can follow you back.
At Theta Clicks – a comprehensive digital marketing company, we work with a combination of specialists and experts with professionalism and experience. We are a presumed name in the business and work with organizations (small, mid-sized, and large). We have a faithful group to assist you at each phase of your digital marketing campaigns. Contact us to learn more.